RNAseq demo in BIO316 CW1
BIO316-CW1Requirements Briefly explain the results you obtained. You can use figures to illustrate the results, however, figu... -
bash command combo
ls ls -lh The option -l of the command ls also reports the size of the file. Adding the flag -h makes it “human-readable” ... -
Dynamic programming notes
Dynamical programmingDefinition Extremely general algorithm design technique Similar to divide and conquer idea Build up answ... -
Linear programming notes
Summary Many problems can be modeled as linear programs (LPs) If you can write your problem as an LP, you can use existing, h... -
Network flow problem notes
Flow networkA flow network is a connected, directed graph G=(V,E) Each edge e has a non-negative, integer capacity A single... -
b trees algo notes
2,3 Trees All levels are at the same level Each internal node has either 2 or 3 children If it has: 2 children => it has 1... -
splay trees and BST algo notes
BST definitionProperty: if a node has key k then keys in the left subtree are < k and keys in the right subtree are > k... -
skip list algo notes
Background Generalization of sorted linked lists Expected search time is O(logn) Randomized data structure Use random coin fl... -
BellmanFord algorithm
Shortest path problem review Bellman-ford algorithmNegative weightsNegative cycles: if some cycle has a negative total cost, ... -
A* algorithm
Resourceshttps://www.redblobgames.com/pathfinding/a-star/introduction.html https://stackabuse.com/graphs-in-java-a-star-algor...
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